What are the Differences between VueJS 2 and VueJS 3?

VueJS has become a go-to framework for many developers seeking efficient and reactive user interfaces. With the release of VueJS 3, many businesses and developers have been curious about what sets it apart from its predecessor, VueJS 2. If you’re considering upgrading or starting a new project and exploring VueJS development services, it’s essential to understand these differences. This knowledge will help you make an informed decision and leverage the full potential of VueJS for your projects.

In this introduction, we’ll highlight the key differences between VueJS 2 and VueJS 3, focusing on performance improvements, new features, and changes that can impact your development workflow. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to VueJS, this comparison will provide you with valuable insights into how VueJS 3 can enhance your development experience.

What Is Vue.js 2?

Vue.js 2 is a popular JavaScript framework used for building interactive user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs). Released in 2016, it quickly gained traction due to its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with other projects. Here’s a user-friendly overview of what makes Vue.js 2 special:

Key Features of Vue.js 2

Reactive Data Binding: Vue.js 2 allows developers to bind data to the DOM in a reactive manner. This means that when the underlying data changes, the DOM updates automatically, making the user interface dynamic and responsive without much effort.

Component-Based Architecture: Components are the building blocks of Vue.js applications. Each component is a self-contained unit with its logic, template, and styles. This modular approach helps in organizing and reusing code, making the development process more efficient.

Ease of Learning: One of the biggest advantages of Vue.js 2 is its gentle learning curve. Even if you’re new to JavaScript frameworks, Vue.js 2 is easy to pick up thanks to its clear and comprehensive documentation. Its syntax is straightforward, making it accessible for beginners.

Versatility: Vue.js 2 can be used for a wide range of applications, from small widgets to large-scale enterprise applications. It can also integrate seamlessly with other libraries or existing projects, making it a versatile choice for many developers.

Single-File Components: With Vue.js 2, developers can write HTML, JavaScript, and CSS all in a single file with a .vue extension. This encapsulation of all component-related code in one file enhances readability and maintainability.

Virtual DOM: Vue.js 2 uses a virtual DOM to optimize performance. Instead of updating the actual DOM every time a change occurs, it updates a virtual representation and then applies the minimal changes needed to the actual DOM. This approach enhances speed and efficiency.

Vue CLI: Vue.js 2 comes with a powerful command-line interface (CLI) that helps in setting up and managing projects. It provides tools for scaffolding new projects, managing dependencies, and running development servers, streamlining the development workflow.

What Is Vue.js 3?

Vue.js 3 is the latest major version of the popular Vue.js framework, designed to build modern, dynamic user interfaces and single-page applications. Released in September 2020, Vue.js 3 introduces several significant improvements and new features that make development easier, faster, and more powerful. Here’s a user-friendly overview of what Vue.js 3 brings to the table:

Key Features of Vue.js 3

Improved Performance: One of the standout enhancements in Vue.js 3 is its performance. Thanks to a complete rewrite of the codebase, Vue.js 3 is faster and more efficient than its predecessor. This means quicker rendering and better handling of complex applications.

Composition API: The Composition API is a new way to organize and reuse code within components. It allows developers to group related logic, making the code more modular and easier to manage. This is particularly useful for large-scale applications where reusability and maintainability are crucial.

Smaller Bundle Size: Vue.js 3 has a more efficient runtime, resulting in smaller bundle sizes for your applications. This is achieved through better tree-shaking and optimizations, which reduce the overall size of the JavaScript code that needs to be loaded by the browser.

Fragment, Teleport, and Suspense: These new built-in components offer more flexibility in how you structure and render your components.

Fragment: Allows multiple root nodes in a component template.

Teleport: Enables rendering a component’s template in a different part of the DOM.

Suspense: Facilitates handling asynchronous dependencies, improving user experience by displaying fallback content while waiting for data.

Support: Vue.js 3 offers enhanced support for TypeScript, making it easier to write type-safe code. This integration is more seamless, providing better tooling and type inference.

Custom Renderer API: This new feature allows developers to create custom renderers, which means you can use Vue.js 3 to build applications beyond the web, such as for mobile or desktop environments, using frameworks like NativeScript or Electron.

Better Reactivity System: The reactivity system in Vue.js 3 has been improved with a proxy-based implementation, which provides better performance and support for more complex data structures.

Vue CLI 4: The latest version of Vue CLI comes with Vue.js 3, offering an even smoother development experience. It includes new plugins, improved configuration options, and better support for modern development workflows.

Key Differences Between Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3

Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3 are two major versions of the Vue.js framework, each with its features and improvements. Understanding the differences between them can help you decide which version is best for your project or guide you in upgrading from Vue.js 2 to Vue.js 3. Here’s a detailed, user-friendly comparison of the two versions.

1. Performance Improvements

Vue.js 2:

While Vue.js 2 was already efficient, it relied on an Object.defineProperty-based reactivity system. This system worked well but had limitations with complex data structures and required manual intervention to make objects reactive.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 introduces a proxy-based reactivity system, which is more efficient and supports a broader range of data types without the need for manual adjustments. This new system significantly improves the performance and reactivity of applications, especially when dealing with complex and nested data structures.

2. Composition API

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 uses the Options API, where component logic is organized into different options like data, methods, computed, and lifecycle hooks. While this is straightforward, it can become unwieldy for large components with complex logic.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 introduces the Composition API, a new way to organize and reuse component logic. With the Composition API, related code can be grouped within a setup() function, making the code more modular and maintainable. This is particularly useful for large applications and improves code readability and reusability.

3. Smaller Bundle Size

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 has a larger bundle size compared to Vue.js 3, partly due to the way it was initially designed and optimized.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 has been rewritten to be more modular and tree-shakable. This means unused parts of the library can be removed during the build process, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times for applications.

4. TypeScript Support

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 supports TypeScript, but the integration is not as seamless and often requires additional configuration and boilerplate code.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 offers improved TypeScript support, making it easier to write type-safe code. The framework itself is written in TypeScript, providing better type inference and tooling support, which simplifies the development process for TypeScript users.

5. New Built-in Components

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 has a solid set of built-in components and features, but it lacks some of the newer concepts introduced in Vue.js 3.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 introduces several new built-in components such as Fragment, Teleport, and Suspense:

  • Fragment: Allows you to return multiple root elements from a component’s render function without needing a wrapper element.
  • Teleport: This enables you to render a component’s template in a different part of the DOM, which is useful for modals and overlays.
  • Suspense: Facilitates handling asynchronous operations by displaying fallback content while waiting for data to load, improving user experience.

6. Improved Vue CLI

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 uses an earlier version of the Vue CLI, which is powerful but lacks some of the modern features and improvements found in later versions.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 benefits from the latest version of Vue CLI, offering enhanced features like better project scaffolding, improved plugin management, and more robust support for modern development tools and practices.

7. Better Reactivity System

Vue.js 2:

The reactivity system in Vue.js 2, based on Object.defineProperty, can struggle with deep or complex objects, requiring workarounds to handle reactivity properly.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3’s reactivity system uses proxies, providing better support for complex objects, improved performance, and a more intuitive API for developers.

8. Custom Renderer API

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 does not provide a built-in way to create custom renderers, limiting its flexibility for certain types of applications.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3 introduces the Custom Renderer API, allowing developers to build custom renderers. This expands Vue’s potential beyond web applications to other platforms like mobile and desktop, using frameworks such as NativeScript or Electron.

9. Ecosystem and Community

Vue.js 2:

Vue.js 2 has a mature ecosystem with a wide range of plugins, tools, and community support. It’s stable and well-documented, making it a reliable choice for many projects.

Vue.js 3:

Vue.js 3, while newer, is rapidly gaining support and is compatible with many existing Vue.js 2 plugins and tools. The community is actively developing new resources specifically for Vue.js 3, ensuring it will have strong ecosystem support.

Important Improvements From Vue 2 to Vue 3

Vue 3 introduces several key improvements over Vue 2, making it faster, more flexible, and easier to use. Here’s a brief overview of the most significant upgrades:

  • Proxy-based Reactivity System: Improved performance and better handling of complex data structures.
  • Composition API: Enables modular and reusable code, making it easier to manage large applications.
  • Smaller Bundle Size: Modular design allows for tree-shaking, resulting in faster load times and better performance.
  • Enhanced TypeScript Support: Seamless integration, better tooling, and type inference simplify writing type-safe code.
  • New Built-in Components:
  • Fragment: Allows multiple root elements.
  • Teleport: Renders components in different parts of the DOM.
  • Suspense: Manages asynchronous operations, improving user experience.
  • Custom Renderer API: Enables building custom renderers for different platforms, expanding beyond web development.
  • Vue CLI 4: Offers better project scaffolding, improved plugin management, and robust support for modern development workflows.
  • Modular Architecture: This breaks down the framework into smaller, manageable pieces, enhancing flexibility and ease of use.
  • These improvements make Vue 3 a powerful and efficient framework for modern web development, offering enhanced performance, better code organization, and more flexibility.


Vue.js 3 brings numerous enhancements and new features compared to Vue.js 2, making it a more powerful and efficient framework for modern web development. Key differences include a proxy-based reactivity system for better performance, the Composition API for improved code organization and reusability, smaller bundle sizes for faster load times, and enhanced TypeScript support. Additionally, Vue.js 3 introduces new built-in components like Fragment, Teleport, and Suspense, along with a Custom Renderer API for greater flexibility.

These improvements make Vue.js 3 a compelling choice for developers looking to build scalable and high-performing applications. If you’re planning to upgrade your existing projects or start new ones, now is a great time to hire Vue.js developers who are experienced with Vue.js 3. Their expertise can help you leverage these new features and ensure your applications are built using the best practices and latest advancements in the framework.

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