What Are Raw Rolling Papers Used For?

In the world of smoking accessories, rolling papers have been a staple for centuries, evolving from simple corn husks to sophisticated, branded products. Among these, RAW rolling papers stand out as a beacon of quality and authenticity. This blog delves into the myriad uses of RAW rolling cones and papers, exploring why they’ve become a favorite among enthusiasts of tobacco, herbal mixtures, and especially, the cannabis community.

Understanding Rolling Papers

Rolling papers are small sheets, rolls, or leaves of paper intended for rolling cigarettes by hand or with a rolling machine. They have a storied history, tracing back to the early Spanish Empire, where the first recorded use of rolling papers for tobacco was noted. Over the years, these papers have evolved from crude, makeshift materials to the refined, health-conscious products we see today.

Introduction to RAW Rolling Papers

RAW emerged as a game-changer in the rolling paper market with its commitment to natural, unbleached products. Founded by Josh Kesselman in the early 2000s, RAW revolutionized the industry by offering papers made from a blend of natural plants with no added chalk, dyes, or burn additives. This commitment to purity and quality has made RAW a household name among rolling paper brands.

For Rolling Tobacco

Traditionally, rolling papers have been used to hand-roll tobacco, offering a personalized smoking experience. RAW papers, with their natural ingredients, provide a cleaner, more authentic taste, making them a preferred choice for tobacco enthusiasts. Unlike commercial cigarettes, rolling your own with RAW papers allows for control over the tobacco blend and rolling tightness, tailoring the smoking experience to individual preferences.

For Rolling Herbal Mixtures

Beyond tobacco, RAW papers are also popular for rolling herbal mixtures. Whether for medicinal herbs or simply for a natural smoking blend, RAW’s chemical-free papers ensure that the only flavors and aromas experienced are those of the herbs themselves. This use highlights the versatility of RAW papers, catering not just to tobacco smokers but to anyone seeking a natural smoking medium.

In the Cannabis Community

Perhaps where RAW truly shines is in the cannabis community. The brand’s commitment to natural, unbleached papers resonates with cannabis users who prioritize purity and natural ingredients. RAW papers are designed to burn slowly and evenly, enhancing the smoking experience by ensuring that the focus remains on the cannabis’s flavor and effects, not on the paper burning alongside it.

Other Creative Uses

Interestingly, RAW rolling papers have found their way into more than just smoking circles. Artists and crafters sometimes use these papers in their projects, drawn to their natural texture and durability. Additionally, in a pinch, they’ve been known to serve as emergency note paper, showcasing the versatility and utility of RAW products beyond their intended use.

Why Choose RAW Rolling Papers?

Choosing RAW rolling papers is not just about selecting a high-quality product for smoking; it’s also a choice for health and environmental consciousness. RAW’s papers are made from natural, unbleached fibers, reducing the inhalation of harmful chemicals. Furthermore, the brand’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, including initiatives like the RAW Foundation, demonstrates a dedication to making a positive impact beyond the smoking industry.

How to Use RAW Rolling Papers?

Rolling with RAW papers might seem daunting to beginners, but it’s a skill quickly mastered with practice. Starting with a single sheet, evenly distribute your tobacco or herbal blend along the length of the paper, then use your fingers to shape and roll the mixture into a cylinder. Seal the paper with a lick along the adhesive strip, and you’re ready to enjoy. RAW also offers a range of accessories, like rolling machines and filters, to enhance the experience.


RAW rolling papers have transcended their original use, becoming a symbol of quality, purity, and social responsibility in the smoking world. Whether for tobacco, herbal mixtures, or cannabis, RAW offers a superior experience that prioritizes health and enjoyment. As we’ve explored the various uses and benefits of RAW rolling papers, it’s clear that they offer more than just a smoking medium; they provide a way to enhance and personalize the smoking experience, all while keeping health and environmental consciousness in mind.

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