Vents Today: Your One-Stop For All Ventilation News

The ventilation industry continues evolving each day to address modern challenges concerning indoor air quality. As technology advances, building codes update, and awareness grows – staying up-to-date on the latest venting solutions proves crucial. This is where Vents Today steps in as your one-stop online destination covering all ventilation news.

Our team of expert writers research and report on new products, codes, best practices and more from around the world. We aim to inform both industry professionals and homeowners on the continuously changing world of ventilation. From the smallest residential install to the largest commercial HVAC system, Vents Today covers topics relevant to anyone working with or relying on building ventilation. 

Below highlights a few of the major ventilation categories and related stories we feature regularly:

Ventilation Products

We introduce the latest ventilation equipment entering the market. This includes new residential bathroom fans, ENERGY STAR certified kitchen range hoods, ERV/HRV systems for commercial applications, and more. By learning about innovative new products, you can offer your clients cutting-edge solutions.

Code Compliance 

 Building codes constantly evolve to enhance indoor air quality and ventilation standards. We keep readers updated on all new local and national code changes, like California’s upcoming smoke ventilation requirements and ASHRAE 62.2 updates. Ensuring code compliance benefits both builders and occupants.

Installation and Maintenance

Correct installation and maintenance of ventilation systems proves just as important as the equipment itself. Our articles provide step-by-step guides, best practices, common problems to avoid and tips from industry professionals. Proper handling can maximize system performance and lifespan. 

Indoor Air Quality Studies

Regularly we summarize the newest indoor air quality research. Recent reports have examined topics like the relationship between ventilation and student test scores, airborne COVID transmission, and strategies for removing volatile organic compounds from the home. Knowledge helps users understand air quality impacts.

In this article, we will explore three of the top ventilation news stories from the past month to keep you informed on industry trends:

1. New ASHRAE Standards Coming in 2023

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) continues driving enhancements to ventilation best practices. At their most recent conference, they revealed upcoming changes to standards 62.1 and 62.2. 

Standard 62.1 covers commercial building ventilation, while 62.2 applies to residential buildings. Both are expected to incorporate stricter requirements around removing particulate matter like smoke and improving indoor air quality monitoring capabilities. 

On the commercial side, standard 62.1 will now account for partial occupancy loads and demand-controlled ventilation systems. This aims to prevent over-ventilation of partially occupied spaces. For residences, 62.2 adds more detailed guidance on exhaust fan installation and ductwork design best suited for efficient contaminant removal. 

These ASHRAE standard updates further cement the organization’s leadership role in defining optimal ventilation practices. As the changes take effect next year, industry professionals must stay familiar to ensure continued code compliance on all new and renovated buildings.

2. New Ventilation Options Emerge for Tight Homes 

As builders construct increasingly airtight homes to maximize energy efficiency, challenges arise in providing sufficient ventilation without compromising the building envelope. This has spurred innovative new product categories entering the market recently.

One example – decentralized mechanical ventilation systems. These distribute multiple small exhaust fans throughout a home rather than relying on a central air handler. Companies like Aerobt promote the benefits of targeted exhaust precisely where moisture and other contaminants accumulate. 

Another option gaining popularity – intelligent heat recovery ventilators. Mitsubishi Electric’s HRV products now feature occupancy sensors and automation profiles allowing demand-controlled ventilation. This improves indoor air quality while minimizing unnecessary fan runtime.

As homes become tighter envelopes, these decentralized and smart ventilation solutions offer viable alternatives to traditional central fans or passive holes. They ensure adequate indoor air exchange without compromising airtight construction goals.

3. Greener Ventilation Powering Strategies Emerge  

With the impacts of climate change intensifying, reducing emissions from building operations proves increasingly important. This has spurred innovative renewable ventilation powering approaches coming to market.

For example, researchers recently studied using solar or wind energy to directly power small exhaust fans. Compared to grid electricity, this approach could annually offset over 26,000 pounds of carbon emissions for a typical American home’s ventilation. 

Some larger commercial systems now harness waste heat captured from air conditioning units. By recovering this heat to power enthalpy wheels or run desiccant dehumidification, the systems achieve net-zero ventilation energy use. 

 even looks at geoexchange ventilation, using the earth’s constant temperatures underground to precondition intake air through heat pumps before distribution. This provides another renewable option for even the highest capacity commercial systems.

As demands grow to decarbonize building operations, these nature-powered ventilation strategies signify an important pathway. Their potential to provide emission-free exhaust and intake air treatment makes for an inspiring industry development.


staying informed on the latest news proves important for any professional working with ventilation. The field continues advancing each day to enhance indoor air quality and sustainability. By following updates covered by Vents Today, you can incorporate the most cutting-edge practices into all of your current and future installations. We will continue researching and reporting on all new products, code changes, best practices and studies from across the global ventilation industry.

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