Top 6 Books to Take You to New Worlds 

Book reading is source of information and entertainment. Books have magical power that can transmit your thoughts into another world and era. These are trustworthy ways that grant you the ability to understand more languages, from vocabulary to idiomatic expressions. Have you read a book that changed your entire? If yes! You have experienced an amazing benefit of reading, a long-lasting perspective that shifts your mind and gives you a true meaning of life. That’s the reason life-changing books are made! 

If you are a bookworm and finding more books that allow you wonderful and inspiring fondness at the same time, you are at the right place.

 Here are the top 10 books that will take you into a new world to upscale your reading skills. Timeless masterpieces of renowned authors provide you with an unforgettable experience of reading. 

6 Top Books to Read That Will Shift Your Frame Of Mind 

The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho

Best Quote from a Book:

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” — Paulo Coelho

A Brief Book Review:

The Alchemist is a best-selling novel that revolves around a boy named Santiago who begins his journey to find the pyramids of Egypt. He is a shepherd, an enthusiastic explorer, and a follower of his dreams. The style of writing indicates powerful plotting of characters, twists in the storyline, and the beauty of wisdom. Two advisers meet, fall in love and find the real meaning to improve themselves of what matters in life. 

Reason for Reading:

This book makes you curious at every step of the story without feeling devastated. If you are fond of reading it’s pretty sure you will finish it soon. The author used simple language and vocabulary which was easy to understand. The theme of the book is all about destiny and while reading you will get a sense of wonder and acknowledgment. This book motivates you to find your destiny in life.

The book cover of Alchemist is one of the reasons for its popularity. If you want to design a cover similar to Alchemist, you can get book cover design services to grab the attention of your readers. 

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Best Quote from a Book:

“We study history not to know the future but to widen our horizons, to understand that our present situation is neither natural nor inevitable and that we consequently have many more possibilities before us than we imagine.” — Yuval Noah Harari

A Brief Book Review:

Sapiens is the best guide to becoming a winner in the competition of the human race. The storyline revolves around humanity. It indicates learning of the whole family from forefathers and implements in today’s world for achieving success. This book challenges everything over a perception of humans having full control of thoughts, actions, powers, and also the future. 

A Brief Book Review:

It is the best book which tells about the history of mankind, you can better take an idea of its title. It will give you complete information from the origin of the universe till now. You will deeply understand what is happening now in the world from the context of the world’s history. This book is highly recommended for the students and must be included in their curriculum. 

The Little Book of Ikigai by Ken Mogi 

Best Quote from a Book:

“If you can make the process of making the effort your primary source of happiness, then you have succeeded in the most important challenge of your life.” — Ken Mogi

A Brief Book Review:

The Little Book of Ikigai will give you a secret to living a happy and healthy life by disclosing the five pillars of Ikigai. It is a Japanese concept that helps millions of people to get out of bed and find a reason for living. 

Reason for Reading:

Happiness is not daydreaming, you can find real happiness one day by facing all the struggles. It takes time and requires your effort daily. This book will provide you with lots of interesting ways how to add more colors to your life by taking small steps. The authors twisted the world as a happy place. A marvelous piece of reading that gives its readers inner peace and outer joy. 

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Best Quote from a Book:

“If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” — J.K. Rowling

A Brief Book Review:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire describes Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts, where he attempted a blunder in the Triwizard Tournament. After this, lots of challenges he faced and in the end he admits his faults not for himself but for the wizarding world.

Reason for Reading:

It is the fourth novel of the Harry Potter series. It is the one where Harry grew up, not by his choice but forcefully.  This book will give you a learning of how to take responsibility for life by knowing about right and wrong and choosing the right way, at every cost. If you want to become a good person and perform all your duties nicely, it will be a fun-loving journey for you. The book writing style of this book is very easy to understand and fun to read!

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Best Quote from a Book:

“Planning is important, but the most important part of every plan is to plan on the plan not going according to plan.” — Morgan Housel

A Brief Book Review:

The Psychology of Money is a book that investigates how money revolves around the economy of the world. Personal grudges and emotional aspects play an important role in your financial situation. Besides that, this book can provide you best ways that help you to take sensible decisions to improve your financial status.

Reason for Reading:

It is a great book for all the employees for taking full control over difficult situations. The author used simple language and interesting examples with the full essence of common sense. This book makes reading easy to understand for the readers. After finishing this book, you will be more relaxed and get lots of ideas for making sensible decisions. 

The Dip by Seth Godin

Best Quote from a Book:

“A woodpecker can tap twenty times on a thousand trees and get nowhere, but stay busy. Or he can tap twenty-thousand times on one tree and get dinner.” — Seth Godin

A Brief Book Review:

The Dip teaches you about starting a career and achieving success even if you are facing lots of difficulties to sound like a professional. This book will help you to make decisions about moving forward or choosing an easy way to quit. This book will give you decision-making power and help you to pick the right path to become a successful person.

Reason for Reading:

This book will give you a clear answer to a question that crosses your mind. Do I quit or do I think about going ahead? An author provides you with a solution that sometimes is a worthwhile decision of getting stuck with the things. But for the things you admit and get stuck at any cost. After reading this great book you will be able to change your life. Dip yourself into The Dip to find the secret of a successful life. 

For example: if you want to become a best-selling author, you can take inspiration from these top 6 books that can work to shift the thinking of your readers. Give your readers a fun-loving way of reading. 

Final Thoughts

Life becomes better through reading. It gives you a new way of thinking, and learning and helps to consider other people’s points of view. No doubt about it, a good book helps to decide the right path for yourself, especially when you are at a crossroads. Right now, if you are finding a way at such a crossroads, what are you thinking? Grab these books that will help you to shift your mind and take you an insight to lead in life.

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