The role of Angular Developers in Web Development

Angular development is one of the most famous full-stack development for single-page websites and web applications. And there’s no doubt that it’s one of the best frameworks for this, as it has almost everything that a website needs in the present and future. 

From seamless integrations for the present to easy scalability And maintainability for the future, it’s a complete package in itself. However, when it comes to an Angular developer, people also mistake that since it’s a full stack, the only role of an Angular developer is to develop Angular web apps. 

But it’s not 100% true, as the roles of Angular developers are not only spread based on their specific work but also beyond the development of an Angular application. So, in this blog, let’s talk about some of the roles of an Angular developer. But before we start, here’s what web development, Angular development, and Angular development services are?

What is web development?

Web development is the process of creating a website or web application that can be accessed through the internet or intranet in case it has to be accessed by an organisation only. Web development is done by combining front-end and back-end development. 

However, today, many full-stack technologies allow for the development of a website or web application within a single framework. Angular is also among these frameworks, based on Javascript, a well-known programming language considered best for web development. So, let’s now have a look at Angular development. 

What is Angular Development? 

As you have just learned, Angular is a full-stack framework by Google. It is popular for web development, like creating single-page websites and web applications. As an Angular developer, there are multiple roles for an individual. Most people think full-stack development is the only career opportunity with Angular. It is because it’s a full-stack technology. But it’s not true. In Angular web development, there are multiple roles. So let’s now discuss them in detail. 

Five Roles of an Angular Developer in Web Development 

1. Creating Single Page Website or Web Application

Starting with the most common one, web application development is the development of a single-page web application based on Angular. Many websites have only one page. For example, if you search for unit conversion tools on the internet, you will find many tools on the web that have only one page—the tool itself with minimal other elements. In web development, these tools are known as SPAs or single-page applications.

2. Implementing Responsive Design 

Now, let’s come to the development of a more complex website or a project. Here, you’ll find many roles divided into achieving a specific element in website development. Responsiveness is one of these elements. When a website or web application is created and published on the internet, it can be accessed through multiple devices with varying screen sizes like a computer, laptop, mobile phone, etc. So, to make sure that the website adapts to the actual size of the screen and responds to the clicks or touches consistently, the Angular developer works on the responsiveness of the web application or website. 

3. Building Reusable Components 

Angular allows for the development of reusable blocks of code that create a particular element. For example, if you want to implement a side menu on your website, you can create it in Angular and then keep it as an element to reuse in other projects. Creating reusable components is a common role of an Angular developer in companies that provide Angular-based website development. Having commonly used website assets ready to use in advance saves a lot of time. 

4. Unit Testing and Debugging 

Just like any other web development, Angular web development requires rigorous testing. It is important to ensure that the website doesn’t have any potential issues that may make the interaction glitchy. So, an Angular developer can also create unit tests for web applications and debug bugs with built-in Angular debugging tools. 

5. Optimising Performance 

Beyond development, Angular developers also work to enhance performance. It is basically a service where an Angular developer looks at the already developed website or web app to check if it’s running properly. The developer checks if there’s any performance issue with the website, which is obstructing the website from running to its full potential. There can be problems like slow loading, glitching actions or transitions, or even crashing of the website, which the Angular developer deals with as a performance optimiser. This process often involves performance testing services to identify and rectify any issues affecting the website’s efficiency and user experience.

Bottom Line 

In summary, these are some of the roles of an Angular developer. Apart from development, this framework allows for various things to be done to a developer, and all these things are important, too. Be it the development or testing, missing out on anything results in an incomplete web app, which is almost impossible to succeed in the world of the internet. 

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