Pool Removal vs. Pool Remodel: The Pros & Cons of Each

When considering the future of your swimming pool, you’re faced with two primary choices: pool removal or pool remodeling. These options come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages that can significantly impact your property and your overall satisfaction with your outdoor space. In this discussion, we will explore the key aspects of both pool removal and pool remodeling, providing you with the knowledge needed to determine which path aligns best with your needs and preferences.

Pros of Pool Removal

Reclaiming Space:

Reclaiming space is one of the primary benefits of pool removal. Once a pool is removed, you gain the opportunity to transform that area into a more versatile outdoor space. Whether you choose to create a spacious garden, install a patio, or design an open lawn, the possibilities are vast. This reclamation not only enhances your property’s functionality but also provides ample room for various outdoor activities, making your yard more versatile and accommodating for your specific needs.

Reduced Maintenance:

Opting for pool removal significantly reduces the ongoing maintenance demands that come with pool ownership. Without a pool to care for, you eliminate the need for regular cleaning, chemical balancing, and equipment upkeep. Pool maintenance can be time-consuming and costly, often involving skimming, vacuuming, and filter maintenance, not to mention the expenses associated with chemicals and utility bills. By removing the pool, you free yourself from these regular maintenance tasks, allowing you to redirect your time and resources toward other aspects of your property.

Cons of Pool Removal

Costly Process:

Pool removal, while offering its advantages, can be a costly endeavor. The expenses associated with pool removal typically involve excavation, disposal of pool materials, and, potentially, filling the space. These expenses can change based on the size, location, and difficulty of the pool’s removal, among other things. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the potential impact on your property’s value. A pool’s potential impact on resale value should be considered when calculating the total cost of the project. It’s advisable to consult with professionals and obtain quotes to understand the specific financial implications of pool removal in your particular situation.


The aesthetic aspect plays a significant role in the decision-making process between pool removal and renovation. It is important to be ready for the change in the landscape when thinking about removing a pool. The area previously occupied by the pool may not always seamlessly blend with the surroundings, potentially affecting the overall visual appeal of the property. Conversely, pool remodels offer the opportunity to enhance the aesthetics of your existing pool. With various design options, you can update the pool’s appearance, introducing new features, tiles, and landscaping to create a more visually appealing and modern swimming environment. It’s essential to weigh these aesthetic considerations in alignment with your personal preferences and the overall look and feel you desire for your outdoor space.

Pros of Pool Remodel

Improved Aesthetics:

One of the significant advantages of pool renovations lies in the potential for enhancing the aesthetics of your pool area. By investing in a pool remodel, you can revitalize the overall appearance of your pool. This includes the opportunity to update and upgrade features, replace worn-out tiles, and re-imagine the landscaping around the pool. These changes can result in a more visually appealing and attractive outdoor space. Whether you opt for a modern, sleek design or a more natural, serene ambiance, pool renovation offers the flexibility to tailor the pool’s aesthetics to your preferences, elevating the overall visual impact of your property.


With a remodel, you can customize various aspects of your pool, including its shape, size, depth, and design. This level of personalization allows you to create a pool that aligns precisely with your vision for your outdoor space. You can incorporate features such as waterfalls, spa areas, integrated lighting, and updated materials that reflect the style you desire. The ability to customize your pool during a remodel enables you to transform it into a unique and enjoyable space that suits your lifestyle and enhances the overall utility and appeal of your property.

Cons of Pool Remodel

Costly Investment:

Undertaking a pool remodel can be a substantial financial commitment. The extent of the investment largely depends on the scope of changes and upgrades you plan to make. Costs can include materials, labor, and potentially the need to update or repair existing pool infrastructure. To prevent unforeseen costs, it’s essential to have a clear budget and collaborate closely with professionals. While a pool remodel offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to carefully assess the financial implications and ensure that the investment aligns with your long-term goals and the value it adds to your property. Weighing the costs of a pool refurbishment requires taking into account the potential return on investment as well as the durability of the upgrades.

Limited Space Alteration:

It’s important to note that a pool remodel offers limited alteration of your property’s available space. When opting for a pool remodel, you are working within the existing pool’s footprint and dimensions. While you can make changes to the pool’s appearance, features, and functionality, the fundamental space occupied by the pool remains relatively unchanged. This means that if your goal is to reclaim space or significantly alter the layout of your outdoor area, a pool remodel might not be the ideal choice. In such cases, pool removal may be a more suitable option as it provides a greater opportunity for significant space transformation and redesign to meet your specific needs and preferences.


Pool removal offers the advantage of space reclamation and reduced maintenance but comes at a cost, both financially and aesthetically. In contrast, pool renovations can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your existing pool but involve a substantial investment. Your decision should be in line with your long-term objectives, your vision for your outside area, and factors related to property value.

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