How to Promote Your Agency with Explainer Videos

When it comes to simplifying complex concepts and engaging more audiences, explainer videos are one of the best options. With animation often involved, their visual and auditory elements work together harmoniously to capture viewers’ attention and deliver information effectively. 

In an era where attention spans are shrinking, this type of short-form video cuts through the noise, making it easier for viewers to grasp key concepts and absorb information. Whether it’s explaining how a product works, showcasing the benefits of a service, or illustrating a company’s mission and values, these videos can drive potential customers down the sales funnel. 

Understanding Explainer Videos

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s understand what exactly is an explainer video in the first place and why it can be such a powerful tool in marketing.

What Are Explainer Videos?

An explainer video is a short, concise, and visually engaging form of multimedia content that is specifically designed to explain complex ideas, concepts, products, or services in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. 

Typically ranging from one to three minutes in length, explainer videos leverage a combination of clear and compelling visuals, narration, and sometimes animation or live-action footage to break down intricate information and present it in a digestible format. 

Their main goal is to captivate the viewer’s attention, simplify intricate subject matter, and leave a lasting impression.

Why Explainer Videos Are Effective?

Explainer videos are highly effective for several key reasons. According to a study by HubSpot, 97% of marketers claim that explainer videos help increase user understanding of their products or services. 

Moreover, their capacity to boost conversion rates is remarkable; businesses using explainer videos in their marketing efforts report an 86% increase in conversion rates on their websites, as per a report by Breadnbeyond. 

Explainer videos can have a lasting impact, as 80% of viewers recall a video ad they’ve watched in the past 30 days, according to Crisp. 

These statistics underscore the effectiveness of explainer videos in communicating messages, driving conversions, and leaving a memorable impression on the audience.

4 Ways To Market Your Agency With Explainer Videos

If you’re looking to harness the full potential of explainer videos for your agency’s marketing efforts, here are four crucial steps to guide you through the process.

1. Planning Your Explainer Video

Before diving into the creative process, you need to lay a solid foundation by meticulously planning your explainer video. This initial step is pivotal in ensuring that your video aligns with your agency’s goals and resonates with your target audience.

Identify Your Audience

The first order of business is to identify your target audience. Develop detailed buyer personas to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Once you understand your audience, it’s a lot easier for you to tailor your message that resonates with them effectively.

Define Your Message

Next, define the core message you want to convey in your explainer video. Craft a clear and compelling value proposition that encapsulates your agency’s unique selling points. 

Ask yourself: What problem does your agency solve, and how does it benefit your audience? 

Set Goals and Objectives

You need to establish clear and specific goals and objectives, so you know what to expect from the explainer video you create. 

Are you create the videos to to increase brand awareness? Or is it to generate leads and clients? What about boosting conversion rates? Setting these parameters will provide a roadmap for the rest of your video marketing journey.

2. Creating Compelling Explainer Videos

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to bring your explainer video to life. Crafting an engaging video requires careful consideration of various elements, from the script to the visual style and the voiceover.

Storytelling Script

A great explainer video often starts with a well-crafted script. The script here needs to follow an intriguing story that can engage viewers from start to finish. A compelling story not only captures attention but also makes your message more memorable. Keep it concise and focused on addressing the viewer’s pain points and how your agency can solve them.

Choose the Right Style and Voiceover

There are different styles of explainer videos, including animated, live-action, and whiteboard animations. Select a style that best aligns with your brand and the message you want to convey. Additionally, choosing the right voiceover artist is crucial. Their tone, delivery, and voice should resonate with your target audience.

Hire an Explainer Video Company

The DIY explainer videos might come in handy for small businesses with a tight budget. However, if you want a more promising quality and professional look, you better hire an explainer video production company. They have all the resources to elevate the quality of your video. 

They not only have the skills and experience to produce high-quality videos but also understand what they should do to make your video stand out in your industry.

3. Promote Your Video

Creating a fantastic explainer video is only half the battle. To maximize its impact, you also need to promote it across various channels and platforms.


YouTube is the second-largest search engine globally. This makes it a prime platform for hosting and promoting your explainer video. To earn its maximum potential, you can optimize your video title, description, and tags with relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.

Social Media

Not only YouTube, though, you need to share your explainer video across your agency’s other social media profiles. Each platform has its own best practices, so tailor your social media video or any type of content to fit the audience and format of each platform. The rule of thumb here is to use eye-catching thumbnails and compelling captions to entice users to watch.

Landing Pages and Homepage

Incorporate your explainer video into your website’s landing pages and homepage. It provides an engaging way to introduce visitors to your agency and its offerings, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Email Newsletters

Since 64% of small businesses use email marketing, it’s always better to jump on the bandwagon. Include your explainer video in your newsletter for your email marketing campaigns. Videos can significantly boost email open rates and click-through rates. Remember to use a compelling subject line to capture and entice recipients to click and watch the video.

Paid Advertising

If you have an extra budget and want a quicker result, you can go for paid advertising. You can invest in Google Ads or other social media advertising. Exclusive features like the targeting behavior can help you ensure that the video is seen by the right people at the right time.

4.  Measuring and Analyzing Performance

The final step in marketing your agency with explainer videos is tracking and analyzing their performance. This data provides valuable insights into how well your video resonates with your audience and whether it’s achieving your goals.

Key Metrics to Track

Focus on key metrics like view count, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), and conversion rates. Analyze these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your explainer video.

Not to mention that all this data allows you to continually optimize your explainer video campaign. If you notice that certain aspects of the campaign aren’t performing well, such as a high bounce rate or low conversion rate, you can make data-driven adjustments to improve results.


Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and insights make it much easier for you to track your explainer video performance. These tools offer detailed data on viewer demographics, watch time, and audience retention, allowing you to refine your video marketing strategy.

The Takeaway

Incorporating explainer videos into your agency’s marketing efforts can be a game-changer. Remember to plan meticulously, create captivating content, promote strategically, and measure performance. You can leverage the power of explainer videos to engage your audience, convey your agency’s value, and achieve your marketing objectives.

About the Guest Author

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

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