How To Make Your Website Mobile and SEO-Friendly in 2024

There are three responses to website design. Yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. 

No visitors want to wait longer to access the website. A website’s success always depends upon its responsive design. If you are still promoting your business with outdated desktop-only websites or your website is not mobile-friendly, it will lead to slow load time, messy layout, and unhappy mobile visitors. Therefore, the top web development company USA is prioritizing building mobile-friendly websites. 

Moreover, the need for mobile optimization for websites is increasing since more than 60% of website visitors are coming from mobile, more than 2% are coming from tablets, and the percentage for both is growing at lightning speed. Besides that, in the last few years, Google has shifted its focus towards mobile search and has given its ranking first priority to mobile-friendly websites. 

Google consistently raises the bar for mobile-friendly websites in its algorithm updates. At present, more than 70% of the web is on the mobile-first index. In terms of SEO services, Google also indexes mobile-friendly websites. This also signifies that if your websites are not mobile-friendly, there is a high probability that they won’t rank or that your ranking may suddenly drop. 

So, how would you keep your website mobile-friendly according to standard norms in 2025 and visible on the first page? Don’t worry! Let’s walk you through how to build mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly websites.

Latest strategies to make your website mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly

Compress image

Large images result in sluggish mobile speed. Images that are not compressed make cell phones exert more effort to display the visual content. Therefore, it is essential to use advanced compression technology and improve the visual assessment to speed up the page loading on mobile devices. You can choose to work with advanced tools like ShortPixe or TinyPNG, which helps shorten the JPGs, PNGs, and PDFs, too, without compromising on quality. It reduces megabytes to kilobytes and removes redundant pixel data. 

You can also automate the compression with plugins like Smush. Since JPG is more efficient in color reduction, converting intricate PNG into simple JPG would be beneficial. 


Since its early days, Adobe Flash has powered web content, and it has not been backed by mobile support. You can replace the Flash-based feature with flexible HTML5 to offer a better user experience to visitors without missing elements or plugins. The top HTML5 features like scalable vector graphics, canvas, drag and drop API, and coded JavaScript library allow carrying out intricate animations, games, and interactive forms compatible with different devices and video players. With functionalities like cross-device coding standards, new frameworks allow developers to build responsive and impressive elements seamlessly.

It improved the performance and ensured that the mobile experience smoothly matches the desktop vibe.  

Build responsive layout

Leverage Bootstrap and Foundation to create a website that is mobile responsive. It offers much-needed templates to resize the page components considering the page width.  It allows placing buttons, images, texts into appropriate places to provide a better user experience. Moreover, your web development company in the USA uses CSS media queries to apply different rule-based styling to the device, such as stacking up the columns vertically on phones and arranging them side by side for desktops. It enabled websites to adjust the screen sizes fluidly. There is no need for horizontal scrolling or strained viewing. 

Prioritize content hierarchy

Website visitors on a small screen can focus more on the scannable chunk than the paragraph. To highlight the visual hierarchy, adjust the page layout, highlighting the key messages first. You should long-form content into columns to ensure spacing and a smooth reading experience. Do not forget to add descriptive headers to guide visitors ahead of the summary sections to find the targeted content piece. Ensuring the value demonstrates that you respect your mobile site visitor’s time. 

Optimize website loading time

Having a minimum loading time is important to website visitors. If your website takes longer than usual, your SEO ranking will suffer, which will also increase the bounce rate. Therefore, avoiding large files and compressing images will help you improve the website’s loading time significantly. You can also choose a content delivery network to improve your website’s loading time. 

Incorporate mobile SEO strategies

SEO strategies and mobile optimization significantly improve your website’s organic visibility. Along with responsive website design, prioritize improving mobile visibility and engagement. You can submit the mobile and desktop versions to the Google search console for indexing. Afterward, you can carry out other tasks such as optimizing the SEO title, and meta descriptions so it suits the small screens. Go through the checklist below while implementing SEO practices, 

  • Submit pages to Google for appropriate indexing 
  • Optimize the pages to improve the speed on mobile devices 
  • Considering focused actions, structure content in visual hierarchy 
  • Create informative and compact page titles and meta descriptions that adopt small screens. 
  • Improve on-site user flow for better mobile conversions. 

Ticking all these points above, you increas the chances of engaging with your target audience smoothly. 

Place Accelerate Mobile Page (AMP)

If you implement AMP, then your chances are higher to rank on top since Google prioritizes its implementation because it improves the seed. For all mobile users speed is paramount and AMP frameworks allow websites to load faster. By simplifying the code and pre-loading page components, it makes the page load quickly. You can separate AMP for primary pages, but it requires additional development. For improved impact, you can start implementing AMP on higher-value landing pages.

Test websites on mobile devices

Once you complete optimizing your mobile-friendly website, the best website development service provider tests it on relevant devices like tablets, iPhones, and Android to prevent certain changes that may impact the user experience adversely. A proper test lets you identify challenges with the layout, HTML5, or speed before it starts to affect your website visitors. You can manually resize your browser window to test the site’s responsiveness by downing it to 320 pixels wide. Once you decrease the size, check whether your site remains fully functional without the horizontal scrolling. 

Moreover, you can directly test on Android and iOS devices to ensure thorough visual consistency. During the testing, go through pages and evaluate display targeting along with link spacing. Also combine the analytics data that segregate metrics by OS and device and offers actionable insights to  maintain the your websites mobile-friendliness. 

Additional tips to make your website mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly 

  • Strategically place the button and CTA
  • Avoid pop-up
  • Use readable fonts
  • Simplify forms
  • Ensure proper link spacing
  • Prioritize mobile users’ perspective 
  • Make menus and buttons easy to touch 
  • Ensure device compatibility 

Keep your website mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly in 2025 and beyond 

Developing a mobile-friendly website is no longer a bonus point but a necessity. It has become a standard norm for all organizations if they want to rank their websites in search engines and be found. If you neglect your mobile site, then your site might just rest on a shelf. Fortunately, today’s leading website development company helps you build a site that is both mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly. 

But what makes offering a unique experience is adding the little details that your target audience adores. It makes your website exceptional and user-friendly, irrespective of screen type and size. In 2025, to stay competitive and offer a seamless experience, it is high time for you to embrace responsive design, optimize performance, improve mobile experience, and focus on UX. 

Amid the growing market for mobile app development services, keeping your website mobile-friendly is essential. So, seek assistance and help from the best web development service providers and ensure that you can address the needs of modern mobile users in 2025 and beyond.

About the Guest Author:

Prathik, a senior content writer at Agile Infoways LLC and a former English literature student, seamlessly blends his passion for writing with trending technologies and crafts engaging content. He explores the intersection of innovation and human experience through his writing. His greatest dream is to make the target audience pause, smile & click!

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