How to Create a Compelling Website Copy that Converts 

A converting website copy needs more than words. It’s a friendly guide to your product that talks to potential customers, shares information and nudges them to take action without being too demanding. 

In a nutshell, a website copy is the words and messages on your website. It’s the online voice of your brand, telling audiences what it is about and encouraging them to do something specific. For businesses, the conversion rate is a crucial key metric.

The more audiences do the desired act, the higher your website conversion rates. However, writing a compelling copy remains one of the most challenging tasks for brands. So, we’ve curated seven best practices to help you write a converting website copy in the discussion below.

Make It Scannable

Audiences won’t read every word on your copy. Instead, they prefer easy-to-scan content. They can gain information quickly as they move their eyes. When your copy is concise yet informative enough, you may get better engagement and convert prospects faster.

Break your content into digestible chunks. Most importantly, use headlines, subheadings, and bullet points to create a visual hierarchy. This not only makes your content more inviting but also allows visitors to grasp the main points at a glance. 

Also, incorporate visuals to entertain audiences. Visuals like images, illustrations, engaging infographics, and short explainer videos can engage audiences better than solely relying on a text block. 

Keep It Clear and Concise

In the age of information overload, simplicity is key. Keeping your content clear and concise means getting straight to the point without unnecessary embellishments. Avoid convoluted sentences or industry jargon that might confuse your audience. 

By doing so, you ensure that your message is not only heard but also retained. This clarity enhances user satisfaction, as visitors can quickly find the information they’re looking for without feeling bogged down by unnecessary details.

You can focus on addressing customer pain points. Then, tell them how your product can be a game-changer for their problems. Short content also ensures audiences digest all essential information about your brand or product.

Highlight Benefits Than Features

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Another practice to enhance conversions with your copy is delivering product benefits. While features describe what your product or service does, benefits explain how it positively impacts the user. 

Instead of merely listing features, delve into why those features matter to your audience. For example, a software application may emphasize simplifying tasks, saving users valuable time, and reducing the learning curve (the benefit). 

People are generally more interested in the value a product or service brings to their lives. Highlighting benefits also helps you tap into the emotional and practical aspects that resonate with your audience, making your offering more compelling.

Add a Sense of Urgency

Adding a sense of urgency is akin to injecting a dose of energy into your message. You can state that specific opportunities are time-sensitive. So, you foster a proactive response and motivate your visitors to act promptly.

This practice may include incorporating phrases like “limited-time offer,” “exclusive deal,” or “while supplies last” in your copy. The urgency creates a psychological prompt and compels users to make decisions swiftly.

Whether it’s completing a purchase or taking advantage of a special promotion, time-sensitive phrases effectively boost your conversion rates. This strategy also creates FOMO around your potential customers. 

Include Compelling Visuals

Visual content is worth a thousand words. Integrating compelling visuals into your website copy transforms the user experience from mere information consumption to a visually engaging journey. 

To maintain engagement, you can add vibrant images, informative infographics, or explainer videos. Moreover, visuals break the monotony of text, enhancing comprehension and retention. 

They can evoke emotions and establish a connection with your audience. Well-chosen visuals can potentially convey your message more efficiently, resulting in a more effective website copy. 

Optimize for Search Engines

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Optimizing your website copy for search engines is crucial to enhancing organic traffic and other SEO key metrics. Strategic techniques, such as incorporating relevant keywords naturally into your content, are essential to increase its visibility in search results. 

In addition, create clear and enticing meta descriptions and ensure your website’s structure aligns with search engine algorithms. These strategies allow search engines to understand the context and relevance of your content.

Consider implementing relevant internal and external links to strengthen your website’s credibility and authority in search engines. And incorporate social media sharing buttons on your website. Even though not a direct ranking factor, social signals contribute to online visibility.

Also, optimize your visual content. Ensure that every visual element is not only compelling but also search engine-friendly. Include descriptive alt text to your visuals to provide context for search engines.

Attempt Several Drafting

You can’t expect your first draft to be perfect. Crafting compelling website copy is an iterative process that often involves multiple drafts. Each attempt allows you to refine and enhance different aspects of your content

You can focus on clarity, tone, engagement, or specific messaging goals in each draft. The process of attempting several drafts allows you to step back, evaluate, and make improvements. You’re not only finding the right words but sculpting a narrative that aligns with your brand voice.

Take your time to learn from experts. You can also learn from successful competitors. Learn how they craft their website copies, including word choices, images, and other elements. Exploring your competitors can help you find inspiration and creativity.


Crafting a compelling website copy that converts is a dynamic blend of art and strategy. From the meticulous process of refining multiple drafts to incorporating SEO practices that enhance visibility, each step plays a crucial role in shaping a digital narrative that resonates with your audience. 

Even though crafting a compelling website copy may sound challenging, you can focus on clarity, engagement, and the seamless integration of persuasive elements. The above points help you foster a connection with your visitors and encourage them to take action.

Remember, perfection may not be in the first draft but through continuous refinement and the implementation of effective SEO techniques. Your website copy can evolve into a persuasive force, captivating audiences and converting casual visitors into loyal customers.

About the Guest Author

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

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