Attract Restaurants And Courier By Creating Your Postmates Clone App 

Creating a successful Postmates Clone App requires more than just building an app – you need to attract and retain a strong network of restaurant and courier partners. With a wide variety of quality restaurants on your platform, customers will have more choices. And with enough reliable delivery couriers, you will be able to fulfill orders efficiently. Recruiting these two vital supply partners is critical for getting your Postmates clone off the ground and scaling up over time.


If you are planning to launch an on-demand food delivery service like Postmates, getting restaurants and delivery couriers on board is essential. Without enough variety in restaurant options, customers will lose interest. Attracting these two key groups of supply partners is crucial for the success of your Postmates Clone app.

What is a Postmates Clone?

A Postmates Clone is essentially an app that replicates the core features and business model of the popular Postmates delivery platform. Like Postmates, these clone apps allow customers to order food, groceries, or other products from local restaurants and merchants. Everything from fast food to high-end cuisine can be ordered through the app.

Independent contractor couriers then pick up the orders from the vendor and deliver them to the customer’s specified location, whether that is their home, office, park, or elsewhere. The app connects these three main users – customers, restaurants/merchants, and delivery couriers – to facilitate on-demand logistics. Postmates itself helped pioneer this gig economy model for on-demand delivery services. By creating a clone app, startups and entrepreneurs are aiming to recreate that successful formula in their own local markets.

Benefits of Your Postmates Clone to Restaurants

To convince restaurants to partner with your delivery app and list their menus, you need to clearly spell out what is in it for them. Some key benefits to highlight include:

  1. Increased revenue opportunities and exposure to new customers. Making food available to anyone within the delivery radius, not just walk-in diners, expands a restaurant’s potential customer base.
  2. Option to outsource delivery so they can focus on food preparation by utilizing your service’s courier workforce, restaurants do not need to manage their own fleet of delivery drivers and logistics. They can concentrate on making great food while you handle transportation.
  3. Access to data/analytics about their orders and customers the back-end analytics provided to restaurant partners can reveal valuable insights about menu preferences, popular bundles, peak demand periods, and customer demographics to tailor their offerings.
  4. Marketing/promotional support to increase their visibility promotes new restaurant partners through featured listings, email campaigns, and other co-marketing efforts to increase their visibility and draw customers to your platform.
  5. Ability to control their own profit margins by setting their own menu pricing on the app, rather than having to offer discounts. They keep a higher percentage of the revenue compared to traditional third-party delivery apps.

In your pitches and marketing materials, be very clear about the exact business model, such as what percentage commission you will take, any setup/subscription fees, payment terms, delivery radius rules, and customer rating systems. Lay out the entire financial implications so restaurants understand the value proposition.

Benefits of Your Postmates Clone to Couriers

On the courier side, one of your biggest value propositions is the flexibility and earning potential you offer as an independent contractor workforce. Emphasize advantages like:

  1. Unlike traditional employment, couriers can truly be their own boss by making their own schedule. They can log into the app and accept delivery gigs whenever they want, for as long as they want each day. This flexibility is very appealing.
  2. Getting paid frequently, perhaps even daily, rather than waiting for weekly paychecks, promotes couriers’ ability to get paid out their earnings daily or instantly after each delivery through secure digital payment methods.
  3. Potentially earning bonuses/incentives during peak times offer incentives like per-trip bonuses or earning guarantees if couriers complete a certain number of deliveries, especially during peak demand windows like mealtimes.
  4. Receiving proper equipment, training and institutional support provides couriers with branded insulated bags, detailed instructions on pickup/delivery protocols, and customer support if they face any issues on the road.
  5. Being part of a courier community while still working independently creates online forums or communities where couriers can connect with each other as well as your staff to discuss concerns, give feedback, and learn emerging best practices.

In all your materials, emphasize the financial opportunity couriers must maximize their earnings through effort and incentives. Spell out clear per-mile or per-delivery rate structures so they can evaluate the income potential. But balance that with messaging about work-life flexibility and being part of a larger courier community.

Needed Features for Your Postmates Clone

To attract high-quality supply partners like popular restaurants and experienced delivery couriers, you needs to pack in a robust set of features tailored to their needs:

For Customers:

●        Browse menus from local restaurants with reviews, ratings, and filtering

●        View merchant locations on an interactive map and sort by cuisine type

●        Place pick-up or delivery orders with a seamless checkout process

●        Pay easily via mobile wallets or saved credit/debit cards

●        Track real-time status of their order prep and courier’s location

●        Rate/review each order experience and courier after delivery

For Restaurants:

●        Easily manage menu listings, available time slots, prep times

●        Receive and confirm incoming orders from customers on the app

●        Track the courier’s location and communicate for faster handoffs

●        Access back-end analytics of order volumes, trends, and customer data

●        Control promotions, dynamic pricing for surge periods, order prioritization

For Couriers:

●        Receive delivery requests in their area

●        Navigate using built-in maps with optimized routes between pick-ups/drop-offs

●        Simple check-in process

●        Ability to rate customers and restaurants after each delivery experience

●        Get real-time notifications about new orders with details and directions

●        Clock in/out of their preferred work shift windows and track earnings

The more intuitive and functionally rich the app experience is for each type of user, the easier it will be to recruit and retain critical supply partners like restaurants and delivery couriers.


Developing a successful Postmates clone service requires more than just creating the technology – you need a focused strategy for attracting and retaining restaurant and courier supply partners. Highlight the key benefits for restaurants like increased revenue opportunities, marketing support, data/analytics access, and controlling their own pricing. For couriers, emphasize the flexibility to be their own boss, maximize earnings through incentives, and access institutional support.

Throughout the app experience, include features that streamline operations for both groups, order management, routing, payouts, and analytics. Market aggressively through referrals, promotions, and partnerships. Be prepared to continuously enhance based on user feedback.

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