Artificial Intelligence (AI): Top 5 Emerging Trends

The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips today. It is talked about in the media very often and it seems that it is one of the great technological promises of the 21st century. But do you really know what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is?

If you are interested in knowing more about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, knowing how Artificial Intelligence (AI) works and what applications it currently has, we will tell you in detail below.


Artificial Intelligence (AI, or AI in English) is the ability of a device (such as a mobile phone, computer or robot) or a computer system to perform tasks that generally require the participation of the human brain. That is, it is about the ability of a device or system to emulate the learning, perception, reasoning and problem solving of human beings.

It is also the name given, in the field of computing, to the one that studies and develops this type of system. Artificial Intelligence is based on algorithms and mathematical models that are used to process large amounts of data (through big data) and make decisions or actions based on them.


Well, now that we are clear about what Artificial Intelligence is, we are going to try to explain how the application of AI is improving technology in various ways.

The application of these systems to different processes has made it possible to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up workers for more creative tasks and facilitating decision making by providing data in real time. Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible to analyze a large amount of data efficiently, better understand the markets and customers, and offer products and services adapted to the needs of users.

To understand how important Artificial Intelligence is today, just look at the large number of areas in which it is being applied:


One of the oldest applications of Artificial Intelligence are virtual assistants and so-called chatbots, which work based on natural language processing. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on the understanding and generation of automated human language. This type of Software solutions are increasingly advanced and today covers a wide range of applications:

· Chatbots and virtual assistants that use understanding human language and respond to user questions and requests effectively.

· Data analysis and emotion detection: NLP is used to analyze large amounts of text and establish patterns, but also to analyze the author’s tone and attitude, which can be useful in business decision making and detection of emotions. online problems.

· Automatic translation and/or text summaries.

In recent years, NLP has experienced great advances that allow machines and computer systems to understand and generate human language in an increasingly sophisticated and natural way. For example, generative language models have demonstrated the ability to generate coherent and compelling text in a wide variety of contexts.  

A good example of this is GPT Chat, whose natural processing system allows you to converse with a person in a very natural way, even using and understanding slang in several languages. Developed by OpenAI, an AI research platform, today it is the basis for several chatbots, such as Microsoft’s Bing chatbot.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a wide variety of applications in medicine and health. Some of the most important are:

·       Medical diagnosis: Artificial Intelligence algorithms can analyze medical images (x-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound…) to detect patterns and signals that may indicate diseases or medical conditions. They can also identify patterns in patient histories and laboratory data.

·       Drug development: AI can help make clinical trials more effective, as well as analyze the resulting data more quickly. This makes the conclusions of these tests clearer and their application entails fewer risks for future users of the drugs. It can also predict side effects and help identify medications that can be reused.

·       Surgical robotics: This helps surgeons perform procedures with greater precision and safety.

·       Monitoring: Through Artificial Intelligence it is possible to monitor patients in real time and detect changes in their health status to alert medical personnel in case of emergency.

In summary, the use of Artificial Intelligence is improving the quality of medical care and the accuracy of diagnoses for the benefit of doctors and their patients.


AI is used in autonomous vehicles to process sensory information and make decisions in real time, allowing vehicles to operate autonomously. These vehicles, guided by Artificial Intelligence, have several potential advantages:

·       Improve safety: with cars with Artificial Intelligence, human errors related to distraction or fatigue are avoided and safe driving decisions can be made in real time.

·       Optimize speed: It is possible in relation to driving circumstances, in this way, these can help reduce traffic congestion, which can save time and reduce fuel consumption.

·       Access to means of transport: They facilitate access to a means of transport for people who cannot or do not know how to drive, since they do not need to be directed, that is what Artificial Intelligence takes care of.

Finally, Artificial Intelligence applied to the automotive industry provides greater benefits to passengers by allowing them to relax and perform other activities while traveling.

On the other hand, this type of vehicle also has some drawbacks, among which are:

· This technology is still very expensive and is available to few users.

· Adaptation challenges regarding new ways of interacting with vehicles that must be assumed by travelers, authorities and administration.

· Lack of user control over the autonomous vehicle.

· Feeling of lack due to the large amounts of data that these vehicles collect, which can raise privacy and cybersecurity issues.

· Legal and regulatory challenges related to liability in case of accidents and the need for new laws and regulations to control this technology.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in the security field to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of existing security measures. Some of the most common applications of Artificial Intelligence in security are:

·       Threat detection: Detecting patterns and anomalies in security data to identify potential security threats is one of the most common functions of Artificial Intelligence. The advantage of this type of software development is that it can analyze large amounts of data in a very short time.

·       Risk Analysis: Artificial Intelligence-based risk analysis systems can provide valuable information to security decision makers, allowing them to take proactive measures much sooner.

·       Identification of people: Facial recognition systems based on Artificial Intelligence can identify people with high precision and speed, which improves the efficiency of security controls.


One of the areas in which the application of Artificial Intelligence is most controversial today is in the creative field. Today AI can be used to create works of art. Deep learning algorithms can analyze and learn from large data sets to create original works of art based on previous art, and while many deny that it is actually art, it looks a lot like it.

Likewise, we must not forget how useful Artificial Intelligence is for digital art creators. Its use allows them to automate repetitive processes and shortens production times. It can also provide inspiration and facilitate access to artistic production for people with disabilities.


As more data is collected and processed, AI models can improve their ability to make decisions and perform tasks more effectively. We can talk about three types of AI:  

· Specific artificial intelligence (or weak AI), which is capable of doing a previously defined task or set of tasks very well. This type of Artificial Intelligence achieves very high efficiency in its tasks, but is limited only to what it knows how to do.

· Artificial general intelligence (strong AI or IAG). With all the skills and abilities that humans have.

· Superintelligence. It would be an AI that would surpass human intelligence, reaching at that time what is known as singularity. By definition, since it is an intelligence superior to ours, we do not understand it.

Currently there is only Specific Artificial Intelligence. The other two modalities are future objectives that are still very far away. Even so, the improvement in Artificial Intelligence systems is continuous.


In 2024, a trend is being observed towards greater use of Artificial Intelligence in the cloud.

This development is particularly noteworthy for software development companies seeking to leverage AI capabilities in their products and services.

There is also a certain trend towards the automation of processes, which has given rise to some concern as to whether it could lead to a reduction in jobs.

All of this leads to a greater emphasis on ethics and responsibility: As Artificial Intelligence develops, concern about ensuring that it is used ethically and responsibly also increases.

In short, it is evident that Artificial Intelligence is an advance that is here to stay. That is why it is important to stay attentive to trends for the future, since businesses based on new technologies will increasingly use it more and better. In sectors such as energy, healthcare or the real estate market, Artificial Intelligence is increasingly implemented and is already essential for many technology companies.

But Artificial Intelligence is not the only advance in the world of technology that has occurred in recent years. Other topics that are currently trending are cryptocurrencies or Blockchain technology. The latter can be enhanced with Artificial Intelligence tools, so knowing both technological advances means improving our access to many business opportunities.

About the Guest Author

Glad you are reading this. I’m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I’m more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.

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