Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring an Estate Planning Lawyer

You always feel empowered when you hire an estate lawyer. You feel you made a great decision for yourself and your family. However, many people end up making a lot of mistakes while hiring a Cambridge Will Lawyer, which can be really costly for them. They can end up facing legal obstacles that can prevent them from establishing their wills. Furthermore, you can avoid these mistakes by consulting a suitable lawyer. In this article, you will learn about the common mistakes you need to avoid while hiring an Estate Lawyer Cambridge to establish your will.

Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring an Estate Planning Lawyer

Here are some common mistakes you need to avoid while hiring an estate planning lawyer, given below:

Seeking Options from Online Forums:

It is evident that the internet has made our lives quite easier. That is why many people rely on online forums to find a lawyer who can help them establish a will. However, seeking and relying on options from online forums is not a sensible thing to do, as you may end up paying huge upfront fees and hiring a lawyer who may neither have significant experience nor expertise in such cases. That is why you need to consult an attorney who has both experience and knowledge in wills and estate planning.

Hiring a Lawyer Who Charges According to the Hour:

A lawyer who has the knowledge and specialization in this area will give you a quote for a comprehensive service package. In addition to that, you need to avoid lawyers charging very much less. It may show that they are either taking shortcuts or providing a service that is not at all value for money.

Failing to Have a Plan As Your Life Changes:

As you can expect, there will be changes in your life as you grow old. At the same time, laws will also change with time. But if your lawyer doesn’t stay updated with these changes and doesn’t have any plan to adapt the will, it can have a detrimental impact on your financial future.

Addressing Only Property and Money:

There are some lawyers who will only discuss property and money, which are known to be the obvious assets. While doing so, they are not able to mention the insights and values that are the most important things to leave behind to your children. You should avoid such lawyers and go for the one who will be able to provide the values and insights to you while planning your will.

Expecting and Receiving Poor Service:

As a client, you won’t want an employee who will constantly miss your calls and charge exorbitant fees. The right lawyer will return your calls and emails on time. They will also be backed by a team of supportive staff who will help you with your needs. That is why you need to consult a lawyer with a comprehensive team of experts who will understand your case and help you draft a will.

Hiring an Attorney Without Expertise in the Area:

Everybody thinks that a lawyer may have expertise in all areas. However, this is not true. You need to consult a lawyer who has the expertise and knowledge in estate planning. They should have the knowledge and specialization in drafting wills, which is extremely important. These lawyers should also pay extreme attention to detail, which is important while planning an estate to avoid any minor inconvenience that could lead to a huge legal issue.

Things to Look For While Hiring an Estate Lawyer

Here are some important things you need to look out for while looking for an estate planning lawyer for your wills:

  1. They should have proficient communication skills. It will help them communicate with your whole family and discuss the entire estate plan effectively.
  2. The lawyer should have a discerning amount of experience, which will help them identify the potential discrepancies in your will and help you avoid any potential conflicts within your family.
  3. They should also have specialization in this area, which will effectively help you draft and establish your wills.
  4. You should also know about their pricing structure, which will help you streamline your list of lawyers.


Estate planning is a serious thing that you need to do with extreme care. For that, you need to hire an experienced lawyer specializing in wills and estate planning. They will help you draft a will that is legally binding and will help you avoid any legal or personal issues within your family. Furthermore, you need to avoid the abovementioned mistakes that can prove you quite costly. Not only that, these lawyers will help you ensure your wills are up to date and compliant with the laws of the province. Hence, you will be able to ensure your wishes are being respected without any problem.

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