Top 5 Best Practices for Testing Web Applications

Web apps are more than simply plain informational web pages. Do you know 38% of users disown web apps if the design & accessibility of the application are not good? To avoid these issues, businesses should know about web application testing services. Before releasing a web application, it must undergo extensive testing to verify its dependability. So, here we share 5 best practices for testing web apps.

Develop a Comprehensive Test Plan

Define Objectives and Scope

Identify key features to be tested

Test cases should cover the whole functioning of the web app and be designed to detect any faults or problems. Test cases must be prepared in a clear and straightforward way, with each having a stated aim.

Establish testing boundaries and limitations

Test cases ought to contain several scenarios & edge cases to guarantee that the web application works properly in all instances. Get consultants from web application testing services.

Select Appropriate Testing Types

Functional testing

Functional web application testing services is a sort of testing that determines whether each program feature meets the software objectives.

Usability testing

This testing method by the best web application testing company focuses on the user experience when utilizing a specific online application. This testing approach is designed to ensure that a user can quickly navigate through an application’s many capabilities.

Security testing

During the creation of web app, huge amount of data is consumed. Some of this data is sensitive and must be secured at all costs since failing to do so can result in several technical concerns with a web application’s ability to work effectively.

Performance testing

Testing for performance by the best web application testing company is a method for determining the speed, adaptability, and stability of a system, software program, or device under a load. Organizations will conduct performance testing to discover performance bottlenecks.

Create a Detailed Schedule

Timeline for each testing phase

A project timeline contains the project’s key objectives and due dates, which helps keep everyone on track and organized. It enables you to bulk organize assignments to see what has to be done and when, as well as keep track of the total duration of the project.

Milestones and deadlines

For an organization’s promotional team to collaborate on the launch of a new product, the schedule for completing media advertising outreach, PR, and web marketing campaigns might be significant milestones.

Utilize Automated Testing Tools

Benefits of Automation

Increased efficiency

Automation, especially when you can utilize software robots to mimic repeated human operations, as RPA software does, may have a significant influence on your organization’s overall productivity in a variety of ways.

Consistency and repeatability

Another benefit of automation is manufacturing consistency since robots can make similar things without the differences that may occur with human operators. This homogeneity leads to fewer faults and waste, which improves total product quality.

Popular Automated Testing Tools


It’s a strong cross-browser testing tool that is used by the best web application testing company for a variety of tests, including reliability, integration, and regression. It is accessible with all major browsers and platforms. Selenium allows you to create extensive test scripts, which improves the workflow and makes the testing process more organized. It is licensed-free.


TestComplete automates functional UI testing for mobile, desktop, and online apps. TestComplete, which includes support for over 500 controls & third-party frameworks, can manage and recognize dynamic UI components in the majority of accessible technologies.

Katalon Studio

This is a low-code, scalable solution for automated testing online. Users can completely focus on testing & eliminate the requirement of writing & building an automation testing framework.

Best Practices for Automation

Prioritize test cases for automation

Risk-based prioritization involves prioritizing test cases according to the probable dangers of failure. High-risk regions are given first priority for automation, allowing teams to concentrate on vital areas first.

Maintain and update automated tests regularly

Test maintenance is important because it reduces the time and expense of creating tests. With test maintenance, you don’t have to continually create new tests; instead, you may add/delete data from old ones. It simplifies testing, ensures consistent test quality, and enhances automated testing scripts for complicated tests.

Implement Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Testing (CT)

CI/CD Pipeline Integration

Automated build and deployment

A CI/CD pipeline streamlines the software delivery process. The pipeline generates code, performs tests (CI), and securely publishes a new version of the program (CD). Automated pipelines eliminate human mistakes, give standardized feedback loops to builders, and allow for rapid product revisions.

Frequent code integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a key DevOps standard that allows developers to merge changes to code, often into a single repository, where builds and tests are executed.

Benefits of Continuous Testing

Early detection of issues

Early identification by the best web application testing company can result in better treatment outcomes since the disease is still in its initial phases and, hence, more sensitive to treatment. Early detection and management may also prevent the disease’s progression, lowering the risk of consequences & enhancing long-term health.

Faster feedback loops

Fast feedback, often known as an Agile feedback loop, is a method of increasing productivity in the workplace, team projects, and growth processes. It is a method utilized to verify the work process and suggest opportunities for improvement.

Tools for CI and CT


It supervises and regulates several steps of the software deployment process, such as build, paperwork, & static code analysis. Jenkins is a prominent DevOps tool used by numerous development teams of web application testing company.

Travis CI

Travis CI is a hosted, global continuous integration tool for building and testing projects hosted on GitHub. Travis CI instantly recognizes when a commit is created and published to a Travis CI-enabled GitHub repository, and it attempts to build the project and run tests every time.


CircleCI enables technology-driven organizations to accomplish their best work while also increasing engineering team productivity and innovation through change management.

Perform Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing

Importance of Compatibility Testing

Ensures consistent user experience

To guarantee that the online application works properly across any browser and device, designers create responsive websites utilizing open web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. As a result, cross-browser compatibility evaluation is required to guarantee that the website is accessible on all current versions of individual web browsers.

Identifies browser-specific issues

Web applications are utilized in a variety of browsers, and it is critical that they work properly on all of them. Cross-browser testing entails running the web app on many browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, & Internet Explorer. Cross-browser testing identifies issues with compatibility between browsers and guarantees that the online application is available to all users.

Tools for Cross-Browser Testing


BrowserStack enables web application testing company to execute a wide range of tests, assuring comprehensive coverage and consistent results. The platform’s easy interaction with numerous CI/CD technologies and test automation frameworks improves testing efficiency, resulting in a top choice for developers & QA teams looking for speed and precision in their testing processes.

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs provides a scalable and easy-to-use cloud-based testing platform for ongoing integration. In addition to automated testing, it offers expert assistance, onboarding, and Selenium and Appium training. The platform enables customers to execute cloud tests on over 700 different web browsers, devices, operating systems, and devices.


Cross-browser testing, commonly known as browser testing, is a quality assurance (QA) procedure that determines if a web-based app, site, or page performs as expected for end users across numerous browsers & devices.

Strategies for Effective Testing

Prioritize popular browsers and devices

Concentrate on key browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, assuring compatibility with their most recent versions. Analytics can help you know which browsers your users prefer.

Test on both real and virtual devices

Emulators & simulators can be valuable for testing, but they must be supplemented by testing on actual mobile devices. In conclusion, people report genuine flaws in physical products, not virtual ones. That’s why you should also test the applications on real devices.

Conduct Security Testing

Common Security Vulnerabilities

SQL injection

SQL injection attacks enable attackers to spoof identities, interfere with current information, cause issues such as voiding deals or changing balances, allow full disclosure of all data on the system, eliminate data or make it otherwise inaccessible, and gain administrative control of the database server.

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is the group of injections in which harmful scripts are inserted into otherwise legitimate and trustworthy websites.

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

CSRF is a web security flaw that causes a web browser to perform an undesirable activity on a legitimate website.

Security Testing Tools


Its purpose is to assist developers, security testers, and penetration testers in identifying online application flaws and faults.

Burp Suite

Burp Suite effortlessly integrates with a variety of tools to enable the whole testing process. It verifies that the web app is free from any security error.


This advanced security scanning application verifies there are no malfunctions present in the application.

Best Practices for Security Testing

Regular vulnerability assessments

Regular vulnerability testing assessments are a testing procedure that identifies security errors. This approach may include both automatic and human procedures, with varied levels of rigor and a focus on thorough coverage.

Code reviews and security audits

Code review and code auditing are two types of code quality assurance offered by web application testing company that may help you enhance the quality of your code while preventing possible problems.

Boost Your Web App Quality: Share Your Testing Best Practices!

Websites are the powerhouse behind today’s information, commercial, and communication landscape. So, app testing procedures are critical to the website’s effectiveness. The continuous transition of enterprises to mobile platforms has increased the adoption of online and mobile applications. To improve web app quality, businesses can connect with the best web application testing company and expect the best outcomes.

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