5 Facts You Should Know About Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders are at high risk of suffering severe injuries or even death in an accident than other motorists. The riders are more exposed, with the helmet and jacket being their only shield against the road and other objects. Despite the risk, many riders still go to the road without wearing appropriate protective gear.

Whether you’re riding for leisure or business, you must understand the nature of motorcycle accidents and protect yourself. Here are five facts every motorcycle rider should know about motorcycle accidents.

1. Helmets Provide the Needed Protection

The helmet is the most important motorcycle gear worn to protect the head from impact in case of an accident. It also protects the eyes from flying objects. By offering protection, a helmet helps protect the rider by reducing injury by 69% and death risks by 42%. 

While many motorcycle riders don’t like wearing helmets because of their bulky nature, wearing one can save a life. The law in many states makes it mandatory for motorcycle riders to use helmets. 

According to NHTSA, states with no motorcycle laws recorded up to 57% of deaths of riders who were not wearing helmets compared to 9% of rider deaths in states that follow universal helmet laws. 

Motorcycle accidents should invest in a good helmet and encourage their passengers to wear one. Ensure you choose the type and size that fits you well and adheres to the Department of Transportation’s safety standards. 

In addition to helmets, you should also get other motorcycle safety gear such as jackets, gloves, and boots.

2. Alcohol Contributes to Most Motorcycle Accidents

Driving under the influence is one of the unsafe practices many riders engage in. Up to 43% of fatal motorcycle accidents were caused by impairment from alcohol consumption. Other substances that cause impairments include prescription drugs, illegal recreational drugs, and over-the-counter drugs.

Riding a motorcycle requires proper hand-eye coordination and skills. Impaired riders cannot operate the bike well and decrease their judgment of the road conditions. These riders will find it hard to react in case of any danger and are more likely to crash into other vehicles.

If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident while drunk, you’ll lose your right to get compensation even if you were not at fault. You also risk getting arrested for drunk driving and facing DUI consequences.

Sober drivers have better reflexes and can swerve or counter-steer effectively. You’ll also find it easy to avoid other drunk drivers if you’re sober. 

So, always remember to follow the ‘never drink and driver’ rule to keep yourself safe on the road.

3. Motorcycle Accidents Cause More Fatal Injuries than Cars

While there are more recorded deaths from car accidents than motorcycles, it simply means that many people ride in cars. 

The few that ride motorcycles are at higher risk of severe injuries and fatalities than those in cars. Motorcycle riders face a 27% fatality rate than those in cars.

In an accident that involves a motorcyclist and a car passenger, the person on the motorcycle will likely face fatal injuries, with the one in the car getting out untouched. Some of the reasons that make motorcycles more dangerous include:

  • Low visual profile: Motorcycles have smaller visual profiles than passenger vehicles, exposing them to increased accident risks.
  • Less protection: Apart from the normal protective gear, motorcycles don’t have any protective shields such as the vehicle frame, airbags, or seatbelts.
  • Limited braking power: Cars have much stronger braking power that drivers can easily apply during an emergency. On the other hand, motorcycle brakes are often problematic and can easily spin out of control.

There’s no doubt that motorcycle riders are less disadvantaged in a collision and are more likely to die than car passengers. However, they can still reduce the risks by taking safety training courses and adhering to riding laws.

4. Many Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Cities

Many motorcycle accidents happen on urban roads, especially at intersections. This is where many vehicles turn left, and some are more likely to ignore the turn signals. 

The views are motorcycle riders are also obstructed by other vehicles, buildings, and trees. With the obstructions, they might not spot oncoming vehicles and collide with them.

Motorcycle riders must remember to slow down when approaching intersections and watch out for turn signals. 

Don’t always assume it’s clear before double-checking and ensuring there’s no oncoming traffic. A quick reaction may save you from a collision if other motorists don’t see you on time.

City roads are often crowded, exposing riders to more risks of accidents if they don’t take the necessary precautions. 

If you take all the precautionary measures, you will not be at fault in case of an accident. This means you’ll have all the rights to get compensated for your injuries and losses.

5. Bad Weather Contributes to Motorcycle Accidents

Weather conditions affect road conditions and rider safety. Bad weather creates slick surfaces and impairs rider visibility. Rain, snow, and ice can make it hard for riders to safely navigate the roads.

While it’s not always easy to predict when a storm will take place, there are various safety precautions that riders can take to avoid getting into accidents. 

First, riders must practice how to ride safely and handle the bike in various road conditions. Secondly, make sure you get the local weather report and know what to expect during your trip.

Bottom Line

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident is often devastating, and riders face the greatest risks. It’s important to be on the lookout and take all the precautionary measures for your safety and other road users. Beware of other vehicles, your surroundings, and the road conditions.

If you get into a motorcycle accident because of someone else’s fault, you need to get compensation for your injuries and losses. 

An experienced attorney will help you find the party at fault, collect the needed evidence, and help you file a claim. Don’t bare all the consequences of an accident if you’re not at fault.

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