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How to Run a Contest or Giveaway to Boost Engagement

Are you curious about how certain brands manage to captivate the attention of thousands and keep their audiences actively engaged? Running a contest or giveaway might be the secret sauce you’ve been missing.

Imagine turning casual followers into enthusiastic participants and loyal customers—all through the excitement of winning something valuable. 

Let’s dive into the world of contests and giveaways, and I’ll guide you step-by-step through creating a buzz that draws in new followers and strengthens your existing community.

Define Your Objectives

Before launching your contest, it’s crucial to define your objectives. What do you hope to achieve? Common goals include increasing social media followers, growing your email list, boosting product awareness, or driving traffic to your website

Clear objectives will help you tailor your contest to meet specific needs. To grow your email list, you can ask participants to sign up with their email addresses to enter the competition. Using an email verification tool ensures the quality of your email list, reducing bounce rates and improving deliverability.

Choose the Right Type of Contest

You can run various types of contests, each with its benefits. Photo contests encourage users to share photos related to your brand or product, creating a wealth of user-generated content you can leverage for future marketing campaigns. 

Caption contests, where followers caption a picture for a chance to win, can drive high engagement rates and foster creativity. Trivia contests engage your audience with fun and challenging questions, increasing interaction and time spent on your platforms. 

Sweepstakes are simple and effective, where participants enter their details for a chance to win. Choose a contest that aligns with your objectives and will appeal to your target audience.

Create a Gallery or Highlight Reel

Consider creating a gallery or highlight reel of the best submissions. This could be a dedicated section on your website or a video compilation shared on social media platforms. 

Such galleries celebrate your participants and serve as a testament to your brand’s vibrant community. This can be particularly effective if you run contests regularly, as it creates an archive of UGC that showcases your brand’s engagement over time.

Select Attractive Prizes

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Your prize needs to be attractive enough to motivate participation. Consider offering one of your products, a gift card, or an exclusive experience. The prize should be relevant to your audience and valuable enough to generate interest. 

For example, if you run a small business of beauty products, offering a bundle of your best-selling products would be more appealing than a generic gift card. Your prize should entice and attract your target audience’s desires, as this will drive more entries and engagement.

Set Clear Rules and Guidelines

Clear rules and guidelines are essential for any contest. They should include eligibility requirements, such as who can enter (age, location, etc.), and entry methods detailing how participants can enter the contest. 

Specify the contest’s duration, including the start and end dates, and how and when winners will be chosen and notified. Legal disclaimers are also necessary to protect your brand. Transparency in your contest rules builds trust with your audience and ensures a smooth-running contest.

Promote Your Contest

Promotion is vital to a successful contest. Utilize various channels to spread the word. Social media is a powerful tool; share regular updates and encourage your followers to participate and share. An email marketing campaign is equally important. 

Writing a detailed blog post about your contest and sharing it across platforms can attract more participants. Additionally, partnering with influencers can extend your reach and attract a broader audience.

Showcase Entries

Showcasing participant entries on your social media channels, website, or newsletter can boost engagement. Highlighting entries makes participants feel valued and appreciated and inspires others to participate. 

Feature the most creative or popular submissions to keep the excitement and momentum going. Sharing UGC can also fill your content calendar with authentic, engaging content created by your audience. You can also leverage AI in social media marketing to prompt the contest.

Use the Right Tools

Using the right tools can be a prime factor in the success of your contest. These tools can simplify the contest process and enhance its effectiveness. For instance, salesforce forms can help you manage entries and data efficiently. 

Effective content marketing tools are crucial for creating engaging promotional content. These tools can help you craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience and streamline your content creation process. 

Managing your social media presence is also crucial; tools like offer scheduling and management features to keep your posts consistent and timely. These tools enable you to plan your content calendar, ensuring a steady flow of engaging posts. 

Engage with Participants

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Engagement doesn’t stop once the contest is live. Interact with participants by liking, commenting, and sharing their entries. This not only boosts engagement but also shows that you value their participation. 

Personal interaction creates a sense of community and encourages others to join in. Consider utilizing CRM platforms to manage participant information and interactions effectively. 

Video conferencing platforms can be used for live announcements or for engaging with participants in real-time, adding a personal touch to your contest.

Monitor and Analyze

Track your contest’s performance using analytics tools. Key metrics to monitor include participation rate, engagement (likes, shares, comments, and other interactions), traffic increase to your website, and conversions such as new followers, subscribers, or customers. 

Such metrics will help you understand your contest’s success and identify areas for improvement. Adjusting your strategies based on this data ensures that future contests are even more successful.

It is always crucial to be vigilant about the lower conversion rates. Understanding the factors contributing to a decline can help you make necessary adjustments and optimize your strategies. 

Announce the Winners

Announce the winners transparently. Use social media, email, and your website to share the news. Ensure the announcement includes a thank you message to all participants to maintain goodwill. 

Highlighting the winners’ entries can also encourage more participation in future contests. Publicly celebrating the winners shows that your contests are genuine and builds trust with your audience.

Follow Up

Post-contest engagement is crucial for long-term success. Follow up with participants by sending thank you emails to express appreciation for their participation and offer a discount or special offer. 

Sharing user-generated content from the contest on your social media platforms keeps the excitement going and shows appreciation for their contributions. Additionally, inviting feedback on the contest can provide valuable insights for future improvements.

When dealing with user-generated content, handling sensitive information responsibly is essential. Some tools help you redact sensitive information before sharing it publicly.

Integrate UGC into Future Campaigns

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Finally, consider integrating the UGC from your contest into future marketing campaigns. User-generated content can be a powerful testament to your brand’s impact and can be used in testimonials, social media posts, interactive advertisements, and more. 

Integrating UGC into your marketing strategy enhances credibility and fosters a sense of community and engagement among your followers. This adds authenticity to your campaigns and shows your audience that you value their contributions.


Running a contest or giveaway is a powerful strategy to boost engagement with your audience. 

By defining clear objectives, choosing the right type of contest, offering attractive prizes, setting clear rules, promoting effectively, using the right tools, engaging with participants, monitoring performance, announcing winners, and following up, you can ensure a successful contest that delivers results. 

Leveraging these strategies will help you create a memorable experience for your audience and foster a loyal community around your brand. Happy contesting!

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